Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Some BFTE Swatches

So, a few months ago my friend Kim (who writes the Libby's Pink Vanity blog) started hinting that she had something big in the works. A few weeks later she dropped the bombshell that she had bought BFTE Cosmetics! How awesome is that? She gets to play with makeup for a living now and I have to say that I'm a bit jealous. Anywho, when she found out that I had never tried the brand before she sent me some samples to play with...she's kinda awesome like that.

So, of course I had to swatch them and share with you all. They are all swatched over Urban Decay Primer Potion. In all pics:
Top Row L-R: Flirt, Within Reason, Emerald City
Bottom Row L-R: Diva, Peacock, Dirty Deals

 Natural light

I literally gasped when I saw these in the sunlight. The colors are very pretty indoors in regular light but they absolutely come alive in the sunlight! I couldn't quite catch the amazing sparkle in Dirty Deals but believe me, it's gorgeous. They have so much shimmer and sparkle. And they were a dream to apply; buttery, blendable, just the perfect consistency.

So, if you haven't tried BFTE Cosmetics yet run, don't walk, to her website here. Tell her I sent you!

'Til We Meet Again...
Rebecca  :)

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